The Case for Chess as a Tool to Develop Our Children’s Minds
By Dr Peter Dauvergne
University of Sydney
July, 2000
This article surveys educational and psychological studies to examine the benefits for children
of studying and playing chess. These show that chess can:
· Raise intelligence quotient (IQ) scores
· Strengthen problem solving skills, teaching how to make difficult and abstract
decisions independently
· Enhance reading, memory, language, and mathematical abilities
· Foster critical, creative, and original thinking
· Provide practice at making accurate and fast decisions under time pressure, a skill that
can help improve exam scores at school
· Teach how to think logically and efficiently, learning to select the ‘best’ choice from a
large number of options
· Challenge gifted children while potentially helping underachieving gifted students learn
how to study and strive for excellence
· Demonstrate the importance of flexible planning, concentration, and the consequences
of decisions
· Reach boys and girls regardless of their natural abilities or socio-economic backgrounds
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