hypochondriasis örnekleri
Studies have repeatedly shown a higher incidence of anxiety, hypochondriasis , and depression in IBS patients.
Liver qi stagnation will give rise to stuffiness and fullness of the chest, unhappy feelings, hypochondriasis , or even mental depression.
It showed that even the hollow and the imaginary can demonstrate some form of hypochondriasis .
Two patients fulfilled the criteria for hypochondriasis and 18 for the chronic benign pain syndrome.
We did not analyze the hypochondriasis subscale.
Too many reports of adverse effects exist for this to be dismissed as hypochondriasis or people's resentment of food interference.
His entire bizarre lifestyle the drapes, the wheelchair, the pills was hypochondriasis writ large.
It is currently unknown how closely related OCD is to other disorders such as trichotillomainia, body dysmorphic disorder and hypochondriasis .
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